<aside> 💡 !! When I went through the Quizzet quizzes weren’t submitting properly. Test them when you start and if not working email the instructor group to ask for the Google Doc version.
NOTE: The Traversy Media videos are a popular recommendation. I watched them when I first opened the course but would recommend skipping them. They have good info but the LinkedIn courses are more engaging and cover the same content + more.
I failed my first PA (by a few questions) after watching Traversy Media and was well above passing it after watching the LinkedIn ones.
With that said, here are the Traversy Media links in case you’re curious.
ALSO, Zybooks is 1000% pointless for this course.
[ ] LinkedIn Courses (free through WGU)
[ ] complete lesson challenges on Khan Academy for practice (Computer Programming Course > Unit 2)
[ ] Take Pre-Assessment
[ ] W3 Schools
[ ] The instructor highlighted these videos for me after my PA based on common mistakes!
Just watch the video it links to or the section I specified, not the entire course.
[ ] Bounce around the Instructor Study Guide (in Course Announcements)
[ ] Helpful Things I Found
[ ] Take the Instructor Quizzes. They are a good gauge of WHAT is in the OA, but not of the depth. If you’re breezing through these and feel like you know more, you’re ready. If you can pass these but are at the cap of your knowledge, dig deeper into the tiny details of those topics before the OA.
[ ] Complete Objective Assessment
Important to Know: units of measurement (vh, px, em) - what they stand for, how they’re used; grid and flexbox spacing and orientation; image file formats, debugging - where to go to look into what; KNOW CSS SPECIFICITY