<aside> 💡 As you go through, make sure you’re understanding what formulas are used for which types of problems. The tests don’t specifically mention the question type.

I recommend having Zybooks open and completing the practice exercises for each module (one box per module below) as you go along to lock everything in. This walkthrough follows the order of the book.

Also, open the formula sheet (from the bottom of the course page) while studying. It will be available during testing.


UNIT 1: Algorithms (13%)
Intro to Algorithms
What is an Algorithm and Why Should Your Care? (Khan)
Intro to Algorithms and Pseudocode

assumed competency: basic understanding of the structure and logic of for, where, and if/else loops | | Computational Complexity | Intro to Big O and Time Complexity (CS Dojo) The Ultimate Big O Tutorial Best and Worst Case Analysis (Abdul Bari) Big O Cheat Sheet | | Asymptotic Growth | Asymptotic Notation Mini-Course (Khan) What is Asymptotic Analysis? Introducing Asymptotic Notations Asymptotic Notations 101 Asymptotic Summary (MIT) (7:07) |

UNIT 2: Number Theory & Cryptography (23%)
Divisibility and Modular Arithmetic

| Divisibility (Brehm) or Divisibility (Trev) Modular Arithmetic (Brehm) or Trev Modular Multiplication Modular Multiplication Practice (Khan) | | Prime Factorization, GCD, and Euclid’s Algorithm

** the way Zybooks teaches inverses and asks the question is a bit different, review in lesson 2.12 after the “Solving Linear….Inverse” video

*** Z(sub #) notation just means mod #. Ex: inverse of 14 in Zₙ = inverse of 14 in mod n. | Prime Factorization Primes and GCD GCD and LCM Prime Number Theorem Euclidean Alg. *** Extended Euclidean Algorithm *** Extended Euclid Example (more examples) *** Finding GCD Using Euclidian Algorithm (more examples) Solving Linear Congruencies Using Inverse | | Number Representation in Other Bases

** read lesson 2.16 from Zybooks | Decimal Expansions Expansions from Decimal Non-Decimal Conversions | | Fast Exponentiation Algorithms

** Click “Need Help” on exercise 2.19.1 for an amazing video on modular exponentiation!! | Fast Exponentiation Modular Exponentiation (26:00) Successive Squaring (for Mod.Ex.) + Fast Exponentiation Units Digits of an Exponential | | Mathematical Foundations of Encryption

** formulas given on formula sheet | Cryptography Crash Course Public Keys Practice - RSA RSAKey Generation |

UNIT 3: Recursion & Induction (20%)
Recurrence Relations Recurrence Relations (Brehm) or Rec. Relations (Trev)
Recursion Mini Course (Khan)
Induction Methods

** the proofs aren’t all explicitly reviewed in the videos but they all have the same structure, just make sure you understand the induction steps. The first video on the right explains all of the basic concepts that translate to each different proof if you listen closely.

*** the proof videos linked in Zybooks for the first few proof lessons were also very helpful and concise | Summations and Sigma Notation Summation Properties and Formulas Mathematical Induction Logic Proof by Induction Proof Using Summation Proof Using Inequalities Proof Using Divisibility Strong Induction The Well-Ordered Principle | | Recursive Structures | Recursive Definitions Recursively Defined Functions and Sets Structural Induction Recursive Algorithms *** | | Simple Recurrence Relations

UNIT 4: Counting & Advanced Counting Techniques (19%)
Counting by Bijections and Products of Sets
UNIT 5: Discrete Probability (12%)
Intro to Discrete Probability Intro to Probability
Intro to Discrete Probability + Rules
Probability Practice
Conditional Probability and Bayes’ Theorem Probability Theory
Conditional Probability (StatQuest)
Conditional Probability and Combinations
Conditional Probability (MIT)
Independent and Dependent Events
Bayes’ Theorem (Trefor)
Bayes’ Theorem (Organic Chemistry)
Bayes’ Theorem (StatQuest)
Random Variables Intro to Random Variables
(Mean) Expected Value
Calculating Expected Value
Random Variable and Expected Value Practice
UNIT 6: Modeling Computation (13%)
Deterministic Finite State Machine Why Study the Theory of Computation?
Regular Languages: DFA (Lydia)
Regular Languages: NFA (Lydia)
Finite State Machines (Trev)
Finite State Machine Examples (Trev)
FSA: Finite Automa (Neso)
DFA Example (Neso)
Tips and Additional Resources OA Strategies
Quizzes and Worksheets Probability Quizzes (Khan)
Counting, Permutations, Combinations Quizzes (Khan)

use the class worksheets in course search to gauge for OA readiness |